How to help your orchid rebloom in the spring
How to help your orchid rebloom in the spring
First aid care

How to help your orchid rebloom in the spring

An orchid that has been at rest all winter, starts to grow and flower again in the spring. In this article we’ll give you a few tips, so you can optimally support them. In this way you can help your orchid rebloom in the spring!

Rebloom in the spring

When an orchid starts growing again, you can do a number of things to help it:

  • Support the stems with a stick. They are heavy and often very thin, so they can certainly use the support.
  • Water your orchid about once or twice a week, and add light fertilization every third time.
  • Increase the humidity by spraying the leaves of the orchid every now and then with a plant mister.

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Repot an orchid

You can repot your orchid at the start of the new growth, or after growth, when the pot is full of roots. Preferably use special orchid potting soil to do this, because ordinary potting soil is much too dense. In both cases, make sure that you use a plant pot that is at least 20% larger than the previous pot, to ensure that the orchid can still grow in it.

Also see: How to repot an orchid: a few tips and tricks

Care for your orchid

In the spring, the temperature can rise considerably during the day. Therefore, place your orchid in a light place, but not in direct sunlight. The ideal room temperature for this plant is between 20 and 22 degrees. From mid-May you can even place your orchid (except for the Phalaenopsis) outside in the shade. But make sure the night temperature is at least 15 ° C, otherwise it’s better to bring it inside.

Also see: How do I take care of an orchid?