Garden Archives - Bloomifique


Moving indoor plants outside in summer: a few tips

Moving indoor plants outside in the summer: a few tips

Houseplants are usually placed indoors, they’re called houseplants for a reason. Inside, the conditions are generally constant and there are no major temperature fluctuations. But in the summer you can move some indoor plants outside. For many houseplants this is even better...

#gardengoals: the most beautiful gardens of Instagram
Happy living

#gardengoals: the most beautiful gardens of Instagram

We love to get inspired by others; something Instagram is perfect for. That’s why we collected some of the most beautiful gardens of Instagram, real #gardengoals. It’s great to get inspired by, but also to just dream away in case you don’t have a garden, for...

6 tips to get your garden ready for spring
Happy living

6 tips to get your garden ready for spring

Yes, spring has begun! Now that the rainy days are over and the sun is shining again, it’s time to tackle the garden. In this article we’ll share 6 tips, to get your garden ready for spring.
Also see: Exotic Orchids in the back garden
To get your garden ready for...

Garden trends 2018: 3 ideas to transform your garden

Garden trends 2018: 3 ideas to transform your garden

Only a few weeks left until summer! We can’t stop thinking about spending our days or nights in the garden during summer time. For those who can’t wait either, we’ve listed the garden trends 2018. So read on and get inspired! And if you don’t have a garden: these...


Exotic Orchids in the back garden

Temperatures are starting to feel like spring after the freezing temperatures recently. Time to investigate what the new must-haves are for the garden, especially for those shadowy spots that always remain barren. And I have found them: Orchids.

Summer garden trends

Garden trend update: Four new summer trends

Every season has his own trends, this also applies to the garden. has spotted four trends this year that differ like day and night. From sizzling colour or a fairy tale garden to natural nonchalance or light and luxury.