Edible flowers Archives - Bloomifique

Edible flowers

4 edible flowers

4 edible flowers, to use in recipes and as garnishing

Summer really is over. Not only according to the Meteorological season, but the weather is also showing us so. Unfortunately! Do you want to keep the summer in mind a bit longer? Then use edible flowers in your food, for a change! Sprinkle them on top of your salad, decorate a cake with...

Edible flowers are healthy

Pretty, healthy & tasty: edible flowers

Dishes with flowers are almost to pretty to eat. However, combining food and flowers goes way back. The Romans did it for decoration, while Chinese used them for the supposed health benefits. Now it turns out they were right: flowers are healthy!

Instagram flower foodies
Culinary Spotted

4 amazing flower foodies

Christmas is the time to shine in the kitchen and spoil your guests with a delicious meal. With the holidays coming up I start looking for some recipe inspiration. These Instagrammers inspired me by cooking with flowers. It will probably be the most blooming diner ever.