This is the Flexa trend color of 2020: Tranquil Dawn
This is the Flexa trend color of 2020: Tranquil Dawn

This is the Flexa trend color of 2020: Tranquil Dawn

Recently, paint brand Clare announced Frozen as the trend color of 2020. But Flexa also named one, Tranquil Dawn, which looks a lot like it! Every year Flexa color specialists from the Global Aesthetic Center, international design experts and architects come together to discuss the latest global trends. These insights are then translated into one main color for 2020. In this article we’ll tell you more about it!

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Flexa trend color of 2020

Tranquil Dawn is the Flexa trend color of 2020. It’s a light green gray color, with a blue undertone. The color feels clear and radiates light. In total, there are four color palettes for the trend color of 2020:

  • A home for creativity
  • A home for care
  • A home for play
  • A home for meaning

These different color palettes show that Tranquil Dawn can be combined with both warm and cold colors. The color can, for example, give a dark and winter look, but with a different color palette a lighter or quieter variant is also possible. Or with bright, playful colors. You can really go in any direction with it!

Tranquil Dawn in your interior

Tranquil Dawn can be integrated into your interior in many ways. You can paint a whole wall with it, but it’s also suitable for small accents, in contrast to fuller colors. You can even use it for the ceiling! Here are some ideas:

Dit is de Flexa trendkleur van 2020: Tranquil Dawn

Zo verzorg je je planten als je op vakantie gaat Dit is de Flexa trendkleur van 2020: Tranquil Dawn