DIY: how to make gold anthurium cut flowers
DIY: how to make gold sprayed anthurium cut flowers
Picture: Anthurium Info

DIY: how to make gold anthurium cut flowers

Do you have a damaged anthurium cut flower? Don’t throw it away! We came across a cool DIY, where you spray the damaged part with paint, so you no longer see it. It’s beautiful ànd sustainable! In this article we’ll explain how to make gold anthurium cut flowers.

Also see: DIY: How to make a flower crown


  • Anthurium cut flower(s)
  • Gold colored spray paint
  • Newspaper
  • Cardboard

How to make gold anthurium cut flowers

First, lay the newspaper down as a surface. Then place the anthurium on it. Take a piece of cardboard and place it over half of the flower, making sure that the undamaged side is covered. This part doesn’t have to be sprayed. Hold the flower and the paper firmly but gentle, and spray the paint on the other half of the flower. Let it dry, remove the cardboard and your flower is ready!