The trick for a perect arranged bouquet! - Bloomifique

The trick for a perect arranged bouquet!

We love bouquets, but it has always been a struggle to arrange flowers in a vase. Until now. We have found a simple trick to arrange the perfect bouquet!

Check this step-by-step tutorial by Erin Souder from Earnest home co.

Step 1

The Magic trick? Make a grid of tape on top of the vase.

The perfect bouquet

Step 2

Next you build a foundation by putting your greenery only in the outer holes of the grid.

The perfect bouquet

Step 3

Then you choose a focal flower, Erin picked the beautiful bright coloured tiger Lilly in her tutorial. Now it gets tricky. Erins tip: “Make sure that each dominant flower stem is placed equidistant with one sticking straight up to begin creating the overall shape.”

The perfect bouquet

Step 4

After you have created an outline for the shape with your dominant flowers you can start adding secondary flowers and fill the black spots with a filler flower, usually some sort of green with mini flowers.

The perfect bouquet The perfect bouquet

So arranging a perfect bouquet is as easy as that!